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PRE Series (2/3)

Ped Resp Emer PART 2

  • 10 US dollars

Service Description

Course Objectives (PART 2) -Define the key components of a pediatric respiratory assessment. This includes assessing the child's respiratory rate, rhythm, depth, and effort; listening to breath sounds; and assessing the child's overall appearance and behavior, using the PAT, ETCO2, & Spo2. -Identify common respiratory problems in children. This includes asthma, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, croup, and cystic fibrosis, trauma. -Learn how to interpret the findings of a pediatric respiratory assessment. This includes being able to distinguish between normal and abnormal findings, and to identify signs of respiratory distress. -Develop skills in managing pediatric respiratory problems. This includes administering medications, providing oxygen therapy, and performing suctioning. -Gain knowledge of the latest advances in pediatric respiratory care. This includes new medications, treatments, and technologies. This is a 3-part series. You will obtain 3CEs if you sign up for all 3 lectures. You must sign up separately for each of them. If you want to attend all 3, email us for a $5 discount. Lecturer: Brian Eveleth, EMTP THIS IS A LIVE COURSE THAT WILL BE HELD ONLINE VIA ZOOM. UPON SIGNING UP, YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR ZOOM LINK WITHIN 48 HOURS. This course is approved for 1.0 CEU. REGISTRATION CLOSES 1 DAY BEFORE COURSE.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

120Compressions, Dorrance Street, Providence, RI, USA

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