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EMS Operations at CBRNE Events

Safety Is Key To A Successful Operation!

  • Ended
  • Online

Service Description

THIS IS OUR 100TH LECTURE! THIS COURSE IS FREE FOR ALL PROVIDERS! Course Objectives -Identify the different types of CBRNE hazards and their potential effects on human health. -Describe the different types of CBRNE hazards, including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear agents. -Explain the potential effects of CBRNE hazards on human health, including immediate and long-term effects and identify the signs and symptoms of exposure to CBRNE hazards. -Assess the risks and hazards of a CBRNE event and develop appropriate response strategies. -Evaluate the scene of a CBRNE event to identify the hazards present. -Determine the appropriate level of personal protective equipment (PPE) required for the situation. -Develop a response plan that minimizes the risk of exposure to CBRNE hazards. -Apply the principles of scene safety and personal protective equipment (PPE) when responding to a CBRNE event and explain the importance of scene safety in CBRNE events. -Demonstrate the proper use of PPE when responding to a CBRNE event. -Describe the decontamination procedures for PPE and equipment. -Provide basic medical care to victims of a CBRNE event, including decontamination and treatment of specific injuries and illnesses. -Decontaminate victims of CBRNE exposure. -Provide basic medical care to victims of CBRNE exposure, including airway management, breathing support, and circulation support. -Administer antidotes and other specific treatments for CBRNE exposure, as appropriate. -Coordinate with other emergency responders to ensure an effective and efficient response to a CBRNE event. -Identify the different types of emergency responders that may be involved in a CBRNE event. -Explain the roles and responsibilities of each type of responder. -Demonstrate effective communication and coordination with other emergency responders. Lecturer: Brian Eveleth, EMTP THIS IS A LIVE COURSE THAT WILL BE HELD ONLINE VIA ZOOM. UPON SIGNING UP, YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR ZOOM LINK WITHIN 48 HOURS. This course is approved for 1.5 CEU. REGISTRATION CLOSES 1 DAY BEFORE COURSE.

Contact Details

120Compressions, Dorrance Street, Providence, RI, USA

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