Agricultural Emergencies
Did someone say: "organophosphate poising?"
Service Description
Course Objectives Where the Tall Corn Groes (Agricultural Emergencies, A Practical Guide for EMTs and Paramedics) 1. Identify the unique hazards and challenges associated with agricultural emergencies. 2. Assess and manage common agricultural emergencies, including: Machinery entrapment Grain bin entrapment Livestock injuries Chemical exposure Heat-related illnesses 3. Recognize and manage complications of agricultural injuries, such as: Hypovolemic shock Compartment syndrome Crush syndrome Toxic inhalations and injections 4. Provide emergency care to patients with agricultural injuries, including: 5. Communicate effectively with patients, families, and other healthcare providers in agricultural emergency situations. Lecturer: Brian Eveleth, EMTP THIS IS A LIVE COURSE THAT WILL BE HELD ONLINE VIA ZOOM. UPON SIGNING UP, YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR ZOOM LINK WITHIN 48 HOURS. This course is approved for 1.5 CEU. REGISTRATION CLOSES 1 DAY BEFORE COURSE.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
120Compressions, Dorrance Street, Providence, RI, USA